胡鹤仙的Blockchain Blog

胡鹤仙的Blockchain Blog


Write and write again, still continue to write diaries by hand.

Once again, I have made a decision about writing a diary and what to use to write it.


At the end of last month, I finished writing my second diary book and found myself torn between continuing to write by hand or switching to using diary software. On one hand, considering that I am already in the second semester of my junior year, I may not have enough time in the future to pick up a pen and write in a diary book. On the other hand, I also considered the portability and storage of a diary.

This is the diary book I just finished writing

Taking into account all the factors mentioned above, I decided to switch to using diary software to continue writing my diary. However, I found myself struggling with the choice of software. Fortunately, I only had one requirement for the software: simplicity and convenience. When I saw that Apple Notes supports folders and tags, I decisively chose it. I told myself to give it a try, even though I might not be used to it at first, I would gradually adapt to it.

So I created a folder named "2023" in Apple Notes and entered the diary for that day before going to bed on the evening of March 29th. At first, I thought it was great. I can type at a decent speed, and within a few minutes, I had recorded what I wanted to in the notes, and it looked neat and beautiful on the screen. I thought to myself, I should be able to adapt to and enjoy this method.


However, after writing the second diary entry on March 30th, I didn't continue. It wasn't because I forgot, but rather an unconscious restraint. When I had no classes during the day, I would be in the library reading, and at night, I would habitually take out my diary book and pen, write down the date, and start writing the day's diary. Since I started using Apple Notes, every night I felt like something was missing in my hands. It didn't feel comfortable if I didn't write something with a pen, just like how someone who loves playing billiards would feel itchy if they didn't hold a cue for a day. If I didn't write for a day, my hands would still feel itchy.


In the end, on April 5th, I ordered the diary book I had written before. I received it on April 8th and wrote a diary entry that day, and everything returned to normal. I asked my girlfriend to write a sentence in my diary book.


A diary book that costs less than 20 yuan, and it's more than enough for a whole year. I chose squared pages because my handwriting is not pretty, and squared paper can somewhat make my handwriting look more comfortable. I chose the A5 size, where one sheet of paper can be used on both sides to record my day.


Last year, various note-taking applications emerged like mushrooms after rain. For someone like me who has difficulty making choices, choosing the right note-taking application is even more difficult. In May, I wrote an article titled "Choosing the Right Note-Taking Software Based on Personal Needs". At that time, the note-taking applications I chose were Flomo+Notion+Obsidian. Now, almost a year later, the only note-taking application I'm still using is Obsidian, and I have also added TiddlyWiki as a digital garden platform. There is a meme that is very fitting.


That's how it is in reality. While we are still agonizing over which software to use, the smartest and dumbest people choose to use Apple Notes, which can be said to be the simplest solution.

When I was choosing a diary application, I was the person in the middle. When I decisively chose to continue writing by hand, I became the person on the right, and maybe in the future, I will become the person on the left. It's still my previous viewpoint, carefully consider your own needs, try to subtract rather than add, and avoid adding pseudo-needs to yourself.

What are the benefits of writing a diary?#

I didn't think about this question at first, but after reading a post by a netizen on Jike, I also wanted to talk about this topic. This person on Jike believes that writing a diary has brought him the following benefits:

  1. Diaries make his mind more organized.
  2. Diaries allow him to travel through time.
  3. Diaries enable him to think deeply.
  4. Diaries make his brain more relaxed.

Calligraphy practice#

For me, writing a diary has a practical benefit - calligraphy practice.

On one hand, when I see my crooked handwriting while writing a diary, it's hard to look at, and subconsciously, I tell myself to write slower and neater. On the other hand, it reduces the occurrence of forgetting characters when I pick up a pen.

Although I haven't seen much progress in my handwriting with a pen... I still need to persist.

Recording ideas#

Don't underestimate the occasional thoughts that come to your mind. The best thing to do is to record them.

When I'm walking, taking a shower, or even using the bathroom, I often get lost in thought about something. At these times, I instinctively record my thoughts in the notes on my phone and copy them into my diary later. Often, a single thought can turn into hundreds of words in my diary.

Small inspirations, when processed in my mind and recorded on paper, can become deep contemplation.

Review and introspection#

This is the biggest benefit I believe writing a diary brings.

Self-reflection is a daily practice. Writing a diary has become a way for me to reflect on myself. I usually record the things that happened or experiences I had during the day in chronological order, as well as the people I had interactions with. Through these reviews, I reflect on whether the things I said or the way I behaved today were inappropriate or wrong.

On a small scale, it gives more weight to the diary; on a larger scale, it makes me have more "quality".

Finally, when we finish one diary after another, we will discover a greater benefit, which is the sense of accomplishment that the diary brings us.

Diary books from middle school to sophomore year

The top one is the newly bought diary book

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