胡鹤仙的Blockchain Blog

胡鹤仙的Blockchain Blog


Weekly Report #05 - Changing Batteries, Dynamic Blogs or Static Blogs?

Battery Replacement
I purchased a Honor 30 Pro in August 2020, and it has been three years since then. After upgrading to HarmonyOS, I can check the battery health. Before I replaced the battery, the battery health was 84%, while the official recommendation is to replace the battery when it is below 85%. Today, I went to the only authorized service center in Jiujiang to replace the battery.

On October 4th, I made an appointment for battery replacement through the "Service" app, and later a staff member called me to confirm the situation. The battery capacity of the phone is 4000mAh, with a health level of 84%, which is about 3300mAh. Even with 40W fast charging, it cannot withstand charging 2-3 times a day. It's not a problem at home or in the dormitory, but it's inconvenient when going out. After replacing the battery this time, I estimate that it can last a whole day with one charge.

I made an appointment for 11:00-12:00, and I arrived at the store before 11 o'clock. There were quite a few people, and I first printed the appointment form under the guidance of the staff, and then sat aside waiting for my turn. There were a total of 4 windows, I don't remember the specific names, but they were probably about introducing repair services to customers, and then they would take your phone to a nearby room where engineers would perform the repair. When it was my turn, she confirmed the repair situation with me, and after confirming that the battery needed to be replaced, she asked if I needed a spare phone. The estimated repair time was 1 hour. Then she gave me a Honor V30 as a spare phone, printed the pick-up form, and I could pick up the phone after the repair was completed.

I waited with the spare phone in hand and found that there was a fast charging data cable on the seat, so I could directly charge my phone by plugging it in, which was quite convenient. However, the spare phone was in poor condition, with severe screen burn-in and a broken back cover. But fortunately, the system was very smooth. I logged in to WeChat and replied to messages for a while, watched videos for a while, and it reminded me that the repair was completed in less than an hour.

Since today is Huawei's service day (the first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of each month), I can enjoy the free screen protector service once a year. However, it depends on whether the specific store supports it. After picking up the phone, I asked the staff to replace the screen protector. Maybe because it was troublesome to apply the screen protector on the curved screen, it took three attempts to apply it properly. The staff repeatedly apologized for taking up my time, but I didn't mind. They wasted two screen protectors before applying it properly, and I felt a little embarrassed. After applying the screen protector, the phone looked brand new.

Finally, I paid 129 yuan and they gave me the old battery. The battery health on the phone also returned to 100%. The staff reminded me to perform 3-5 charging cycles, during which the battery may drain quickly. After 3-5 normal charging and discharging cycles, it will return to normal. There is also a 90-day nationwide warranty. If there are any problems due to battery replacement, I can directly go for after-sales maintenance.

I have been using this phone for 3 years, and my goal is to use it for another 2-3 years. It was quite expensive when I bought it, so I will feel more at ease if I can use it for two more years. The Honor 30 series will soon support the HarmonyOS 4.0 update. I have experienced my girlfriend's nova 6, and the system is very smooth and stable.

Dynamic Blog or Static Blog?
There was a discussion in the WeChat group about whether beginners should use dynamic blogs or static blogs. It started with the frustration of Da Wei, who installed WordPress on Tencent Cloud's server and registered a domain name for 10 years, but the blog has been showing "failed to connect to the database" recently. It may be constantly scanned or hacked, and he has no way to solve it. The group members suggested switching to a static blog to avoid the trouble of maintaining a server.

In my previous article "How to Recommend Blogs and Note-taking Apps to Others?", I suggested starting from simple to complex, and I believe that static blogs belong to the more complex category, while dynamic blogs are actually simpler for beginners. I can't explain it clearly myself, so I'll just share the discussion among the group members.

Han Yu's viewpoint can be seen in his latest article "Why Beginners Should Use Static Blogs", but interestingly, he was convinced by us in the end.

@[Chen Cangjie]:

  1. In theory, dynamic blogs are indeed relatively more complex, but let's assume a beginner who knows nothing. The difficulty of choosing between dynamic and static blogs is not much different.
  2. Based on this premise, let's assume a beginner (with a habit of writing articles) wants to establish an independent blog. I think the best method is to use a server provider that offers basic WordPress deployment services (or similar environments). With the minimum knowledge (basic domain, server knowledge, and backup habits), they can start writing articles quickly.
  3. This model establishes a dynamic blog without involving knowledge of GitHub, OSS, terminal commands, Nginx, etc., which is more user-friendly for beginners.

Actually, the points you mentioned can all have practical solutions:

  1. The objective difficulty of dynamic blogs does exist, but the development of dynamic blogs is quite mature, both in terms of commercialization and customization. There is a mature set of solutions to solve most of the problems you mentioned, and beginners can avoid most of the problems.
  2. Even if problems occur, as other group members mentioned, it is the responsibility of the service provider to solve them. Based on my personal experience, Lao Xue has helped me solve at least 10 technical problems.
  3. The threshold for static blogs from 0 to getting started is inevitably not the simplest solution for beginners, and it is relatively immature. In the process of using Quartz, I encountered seven or eight problems, and I don't know how much effort I spent on them, but in the end, I still couldn't solve them...

@[1900] gave an example directly, such as the need to learn more things when using a static blog, which has a higher learning cost.

Dynamic blogs are ready-made commercial products that do not involve customization and are the simplest for beginners. Static blogs require learning more things.

  1. Markdown
  2. Git
  3. Terminal
  4. Npm
  5. Deployment
  6. Proper file structure

Han Yu wanted to argue again:

The reason why my idea is different from yours is that the static threshold you mentioned is fixed, unchanging, and has countless tutorials.
It can be learned in a foolproof way, just like learning English grammar when you were in school.

The difficulty of dynamic blogs lies in using countless components and coordination to reduce the threshold during use, but the installation, initialization, and environmental thresholds are definitely higher than static blogs. This is another matter.
The biggest problem lies in the runtime, where there are various problems that you can't find answers to. Exceptions are difficult to completely control.

The group members also mentioned that if problems occur when using a static blog, the cost and difficulty of solving them are definitely higher than with a dynamic blog. If you insist on using a static blog, it is best to use a static website hosting service, such as BearBlog or Gridea, which provide hosting services. You only need to pay, and if any problems occur, leave them to professional after-sales technicians to solve. The same goes for dynamic blogs. We use virtual hosts and VPS. Once problems occur, we can directly submit a ticket or have staff remotely assist with maintenance. But once a self-deployed static blog encounters problems, what should you do? Those who understand this aspect can troubleshoot and solve it themselves, but those who don't need to search for information or ask for help.

I am still proud to use WordPress, although I recently discovered a very good Typecho theme.
Interesting Things and Objects

  • From October 2nd to October 4th, my girlfriend came to visit Pingxiang. We ate local specialties such as lotus flower blood duck and Pingxiang fried noodles, and visited Nan Zheng Street and Pingxiang Museum. You can check out my travelogue "The Light of Pingxiang: Pingxiang Museum" for more details.
  • Android Easter Eggs: Someone has compiled a software that showcases the Easter eggs of various official versions of Android. I accidentally discovered Easter eggs when I was using an Android phone before, and I thought it was interesting.
  • On October 6th, I accidentally came across a website that claimed to "gather good content and enrich resources" without the author's consent, and copied the entire article to their own site without permission. I complained about it on Twitter.
  • On October 6th, it suddenly occurred to me that when traveling to a certain place or visiting a museum, the scenery and objects are the most important, and we are just accompanying the history and nature.
  • Edge: I think this is a very good website that collects articles, conversations, audio, and videos of some of the world's contemporary influential thinkers. It covers various fields including life, universe, culture, technology, etc. It works well with immersive translation plugins.
  • On October 7th, I realized that what bothers me the most is my graduation thesis. Yesterday night, I was lying in bed feeling restless and unable to sleep, so I tried to sort out the things that were bothering me. I listed them one by one and found that the most bothersome thing was my graduation thesis. It turns out that listing out the things that bother you is an effective way to relieve stress and prevent feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes the most bothersome thing is not knowing why we are bothered, and the most important thing is to recognize our worries.
  • On October 7th, I opened a special column called "The First Blog Manual for Young People". I plan to write some content about blogging, from beginner's guide to giving up... I haven't even updated a single article, but there are already 4 subscribers, which surprises me and makes me feel both honored and nervous.
  • On October 8th, I saw an article on IT Home introducing the use of DALL-E 3, and then found the original author's tweet. Following his instructions, I used ChatGPT and DALL-E 3 to generate some images, and the results were very good. You can check the images on my tweet or Jike dynamic.

That's all for this week's content. I hope to review my week in a relaxed and calm manner, and I hope that readers who subscribe to my blog can calmly read through my sharing and continue to love their lives. Life is not just about nonsense.

The background image is from a photo I took of the buildings on Nan Zheng Street in Pingxiang.

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