胡鹤仙的Blockchain Blog

胡鹤仙的Blockchain Blog


Weekly Report #04 - Discussion on Oral Ulcers, Cognitive Awakening, and Rebates


Oral Ulcer#

It's another "first time in life", the first time I had an oral ulcer. I don't remember the exact time, but it lasted for about a week. The pain was unforgettable. It started as a small white spot on the bottom of my mouth. I thought it was just a normal blister because I had been eating too much spicy food recently. But it got worse and the white spot became bigger, and the pain became more intense.

On the 24th, I went to a clinic outside of the school. I opened my mouth and showed the doctor. He gave me a box of Niuhuang Jiedu tablets and a box of Bing Borax Powder (similar to watermelon frost). He told me not to eat spicy food or anything too hot. But as soon as I left, I bought a cup of cold drink. After I got back, I started taking the medicine. When I sprinkled the Bing Borax Powder on the wound, it was even more painful. But after two days of medication, I could clearly feel that it was healing.

Finally, I could open my mouth and eat, but I still had to pay attention to my diet. I also followed my friend's advice and bought some mouthwash. I rinse my mouth after meals. I don't want to have oral ulcers again.


Cognitive Awakening#

I have been reading a book called "Cognitive Awakening" by Zhou Ling this week. It has been sitting on my bookshelf for a long time, but recently my teacher recommended it in class, so I read it carefully.

From the title, you might think it's a knowledge paid product that is just trying to make money. But in fact, it is a very basic but practical personal growth methodology. After reading it, I have a feeling of enlightenment. I have never thought about using this method or perspective to understand problems before.

In the beginning of the book, the author says that we humans actually have three brains: the instinctive brain, the emotional brain, and the rational brain. These three brains are the origin of all problems. The instinctive brain originated from the era of reptiles. It has a simple structure and only has a primitive reflex module. For example, when faced with danger, it fights or runs away. When hungry, it wants to eat. These are all the functions of the instinctive brain. The emotional brain originated from the era of mammals. It enhances survival advantages through emotions. The rational brain originated from the era of primates. It can generate language, create art, develop technology, and establish civilization. The instinctive brain is in charge of instincts, the emotional brain is in charge of emotions, and the rational brain is in charge of cognition.

These three brains have different powers. The instinctive brain and the emotional brain have been around for a longer time and have more power. They also mature at different times in human development, around 2 years old, 12 years old, and 22 years old. So in the first 20 years of our lives, we always appear mentally immature.

The book also introduces anxiety, patience, subconsciousness, focus, and action. The reason why we feel anxious, impatient, lack focus, and lack action is because most of the decisions we make in life are often based on instinct and emotion, not rationality. Our growth is about overcoming our nature and controlling ourselves with our rational brain.

Discussion on Rebates#

I saw a discussion on Twitter. @Yachen Liu often shares things he thinks are worth buying on Twitter, and the links he shares usually include rebates. Another user @Red Panda Research thinks this is a low behavior and says not to chase after money.

After reading it, I had a question mark in my mind. Can this also be criticized? Isn't this a very normal behavior? As a consumer, when I need to buy a product, if I happen to see someone recommending a product that they have used and think is good, I can complete the purchase without spending a lot of time. They get a rebate, I get the desired product, and the seller gets profit. It's a win-win situation. Why not do it?

I am also a kind of affiliate marketer. I mainly recommend VPS and web hosting. I have earned a few hundred dollars from Laoxue Host and Tencent Cloud. Now I mainly recommend CloudCone's VPS and have created a page for it. I have used the products of these three companies and found them to be good, so I share them with everyone, which saves a lot of time.

Speaking of which, it seems similar to employee referrals in companies, right?

Interesting Things and Objects#

  • Watched the first and second seasons of "Sex Education": Don't be fooled by the title. After watching it, it's easy to think about sex education in China. Let me ask, do we have sex education in China? The biology textbooks in junior high school briefly mention menstruation in females and nocturnal emissions in males, and that's it. In the series, a high school teacher explains sexual knowledge in class and teaches everyone how to use condoms. The principal gives a speech in the auditorium about the significance of sanitary napkins. In China, words like condoms, sanitary napkins, and menstruation are very sensitive and cannot be spoken out loud. There are cultural and traditional reasons for this, but it is a flaw in our culture. To quote a netizen, when it comes to sex education, Chinese people, you are absent from class.
  • Watched "The Storm Riders": I finally understand how good editing can make a movie look, and how bad the actual movie can be. The last time I had this feeling was when I watched "The Storm Warriors". After watching it for over an hour, I didn't even see a trace of drugs. The whole movie was about floods, mudslides, and landslides. I didn't like rain before, and now I dislike it even more.
  • Xiao Lin talked about an interview with the founder of Duolingo: This is an interview video with Luis, the founder of Duolingo, discussing his entrepreneurial experience and the development of Duolingo. During the interview, Luis mentioned that the biggest obstacle to language learning is boredom. So he tried to make learning languages with Duolingo fun for users from the beginning. For the user experience of Duolingo, you can read the latest article by @Chen Cangjie "Learning French with Duolingo for 100 Days".
  • On September 26th, Han Yu asked me why I call it a weekly report instead of a weekly journal. The impression of a weekly report is that it is presented and reported to others, while a weekly journal is a self-record. I replied with three words at that time - didn't think much. I really didn't think much about it. It's just a form, and it doesn't make much difference what it's called. Whether it's a weekly report or a weekly journal, the first audience is myself, and the purpose is to record and reflect. Another reason that is not a reason is that @Pseudoyu also uses a weekly report.
  • On September 26th, I learned some things at school that are mostly wrong: 1. Let us be good friends with everyone. It is happier for both parties to keep a distance from people we don't like. 2. Work hard to overcome your weaknesses. It is more advantageous for survival to focus on developing your strengths. 3. Hard work will always be rewarded. If the method and direction are wrong, there will be no reward at all. 4. Sit down and discuss how to solve the problem. In real life, there are more people who don't understand what others are saying than you think.
  • On September 28th, I saw a special offer VPS on CloudCone. It has 3 cores, 3GB RAM, and 6TB bandwidth, only $38/year. At that time, there were still 8 available, so I shared a tweet with my referral link. The next morning, I woke up to find that it had over 40,000 views, and 5 people bought it through my link. Of course, it's sold out now, and I earned some pocket money. I also submitted a ticket to the official website, requesting an exclusive discount code with a larger discount, and I am waiting for a reply. I hope it will be successful.
  • On September 29th, Mid-Autumn Festival, I had the idea to use AI to generate some pictures related to the Mid-Autumn Festival. Unexpectedly, the effect was quite good. You can check out the images on my Jike dynamic. The general process is like this: first log in to the ChatGPT website and let it provide me with some prompts. Then I keep adding details to make it more complete. Then I log in to the Bing Create website and enter the prompts provided by ChatGPT, and wait for the generation.

These are the things and objects of this week. I hope to review my week in a relaxed and calm manner, and I hope that friends who subscribe to my blog can read my sharing calmly and continue to love their lives. Life is not just about nonsense.

The background image is a photo I took of the sky at Yuzui Island in Nanchang.

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